Monday 4 November 2013

MONDAY ANIME STORIES: Watashi o hogo shimasu

Watashi o hogo shimasu|
Protect me.|

 A true story, put into an Anime story.

                                                  WATASHI O HOGO SHIMASU

A autumn night, cars buzzing along the street, houses lit up, many blackened into darkness, Halloween nearby. There was one girl, she had long black hair, these hazel eyes and a smile, a smile that would brighten up your day. She was a regular girl, but with two different personalities, and very capable of lying  to people who she cared most about. This girl was all about pleasing people, she wouldn't want to see a crying face, or a sad face, she'd lie to people so that they wouldn't be disappointed. This girls name was Kajiwara Aki, and so the story began...  

"Shut up.." Aki said knocking the plastic clock over, Aki didn't hate school, she just hated waking up early, all the same she enjoyed spending school with her friends, Moriyama Kyoko, Sarowatari Michiyo and of course her beloved crush Morishita Kiyoshi.
Kiyoshi was a very quiet boy, no one was sure if he was just shy, but he was never seen speaking to anyone. Aki knew Kiyoshi since they were three year old's, they were childhood friends, however some how Kiyoshi doesn't remember any of it, but Aki still hopes one day he'll remember her. Aki stood up and rushed to the bath room, her silk black hair a mess, Aki quickly washed her face and brushed her teeth, she then ran along to her bedroom, to pull open her top draw where she kept all of her hair stuff. Aki pulled out a black hairbrush with rainbow rimmed round the edges, and slid it through her perfect hair making sure there was no knots in it for school. Once Aki was done she pulled on her uniform and dashed to the kitchen where her mother had placed down toast for breakfast on the wooden mahogany table. "Mum, mum! What's the time?" She questioned, panting trying to catch her breath after all the running. "It's 8:38 dear." Her mother replied, in her calm soothing voice. "8:38?!" Aki shrieked, clearly outraged, her school started at 8:40 and she'd get told of for being late yet again. "Oh my gosh, I'm going to be late." She gushed, swiping the toast of the plate and running to the door. "Hunny, are you sure you're going to make it in time?" Her mother asked, looking concerned. The black haired female frowned slightly, not sure of the answer herself. "There's an old bike in the shed, your brother used to use, It's a bit rusty but it'll help you get there quicker." Her mother said, smiling softly at her daughter. "Thanks Mum!" Aki said, putting the toast into he mouth as she slipped on her shoes at the doorway. "Ill be off!" Aki ran out and slammed open the shed door with such power and pulled out an old bike, it was covered in cob webs and the paint work was scratched and chipped and covered in rust. She sneezed as bits of dust escaped the shed as she pulled the bike out, she nipped inside the shed in search for a bike lock, but found a ripped useless looking one. "This'll have to do" She muttered dusting the seat off. It wasn't long before Aki was riding her bike down a not to steep hill. She stared into the sky ahead of her as she rode on, she felt sad, remembering that Kiyoshi had forgotten her, he'd moved away and made a promise "I'll never forget you..Aki, your too special to forget.." Aki repeated, remembering the words that Kiyoshi told her before he left. Aki's eyes began to mist up, she blinked back the tears and sighed picking up the pace on the bike. "Will he ever remember..?" She asked herself, with it still on her brain, suddenly Aki felt herself wobble, as she reached almost outside the school gates, and found herself tumbling towards the ground. Aki was in so much pain, yet she pulled herself up so that she was in a sitting position, crying slightly at the pain it caused her. Soon an arm extended towards her, obviously held out for her to grab and pull her self up. "Here take my hand.." The unknown voice said.

(Oh, cliff hanger, let me know if you want anymore of this story? Or if there is anything I need to improve on as I'm not a professional writer, I love writing very much, and I want to inspire you to like reading my stories. Oh and I hope you look forward to my second post on Monday.) 
                                                     . By Tweet .